Don't let them put down your voice

About Us

Reputation. Respect. Result.

Who We Are

Your partner for legal

Justice in You is a law firm created solely with the purpose to provide you with appropriate legal help that brings you a step closer to the justice you await and long for. Our law firm is trademarked and registered by the Indian Government and also certified by the Bar Council of India as a person, an Advocate under Advocate Act, 1961. We believe in the old saying ‘justice delayed is justice denied’ as we work consistently and constructively in understanding and solving your legal problems and ensuring that your justice is never delayed, per se denied.


Let Our Experience
be Your Guide

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Est quis nulla laborum officia ad nisi ex nostrud culpa Lorem excepteur aliquip dolor aliqua irure ex. Nulla ut duis ipsum nisi elit fugiat commodo sunt reprehenderit laborum veniam eu veniam. Eiusmod minim exercitation fugiat irure ex labore incididunt do fugiat commodo aliquip sit id deserunt reprehenderit aliquip nostrud. Amet ex cupidatat excepteur aute veniam incididunt mollit cupidatat esse irure officia elit do ipsum ullamco Lorem.

Our Lawyer Team

Fynley Wilkinson

Managing Partner

Sasha Welsh

Senior Partner

John Shepard



Years of Experience

Justice is Your Best Partner for Legal Solutions

We have a specialized team of highly qualified and empathetic advocates who work tirelessly to solve your legal issues concerning the Indian Government rules and regulations and mandates. We offer a wide range of legal services including consumer complaints, company registration, online accounting services, FSSAI registration, import-export code registration, online trademark registration, GST services, FSSAI food license renewal, ITR filling online, digital signature certificate along with many other legal services. We, at Justice in you, are compassionate and have a fighting spirit that makes us distinctive in what we do. We make sure that our legal services offered are accurate and done smoothly to lessen the burden on our clients.


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